wow! sgt lame saye suda x update blog..sbb saye sgt 100x bz...okeh, last couple of weeks ago, received a few orders from my friends n oso friend to my friend..ade cuppies, cakes, apam laa...mcm2 lg la, meh ler kite tgk ape la yg saye buat ye..hehehehehe
mix of oreo n orange cuppies by choon lin |
these few boxes of cuppies terbang ke KK..hopefully selamat la mereka2 ini ye!
oreo cupcake again.. |
orange cuppies |
moist choc cuppies |
ni pijah punye..moist choc cuppies |
last 2 weeks, we celebrated our nephew n nieces, bday party! hepi besday to qim, sara n phia!! ni kek qimi punye..those girls mama dia da buat..hehehe mama they all lg pandai baking!
moist choc cake with upin ipin theme.. |
last week, my old school friend > yua had visited her aunt cum shopping raya in KL..pastu duk order kek la kejee dia..2 carrot cakes, swiss rolls, n x sempay nk snap pic swiss roll n tiramisu nye..ampun ye!!!
okeh, sample kuih raye suda siap..ade sesape mau order ke???????????????? hehehehe