.:mash potato:.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

sorry peeps, been a week not update anything! yela, last week balik kg, this few days bz la sket..huhuhuhu
anyway, i want to share this recipe with u! di sebab kn last tuesday msk sup ayam, ptg nye xtau nk buat ape kn..
rajin je tgn ni merebus ubi kentang 2-3 bijik  hehehehe...sup plak duk ade, buat la gravy nye plak..ape kah bende itu???mash potato laa...


3 potatoes - dont peel da skin
a pinch of salt
2 tbsp butter
white paper
mozzarella cheese ( optional)
water to boil da potatoes

2 tbsp butter
3 tbsp flour
2 cups of chicken soup gravy
2 tbsp black paper sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
white paper
2-3 drops of dark soy sauce - to color da gravy


1. boil potatoes  until cook.
2. once the potatoes cooked, immediately soak with cold water > easy to peel of da skin
3. mash da potates until fine n mix with butter, a pinch of salt n white paper..oso mozzarella cheese(optional)
3. heat butter until melt n add in flour..mix till flour not stick to da pan.
4. add in chicken soup bit by a bit til mix well..nanti tepung beketul.
5. once da mixture done,add in black paper sauce, oyster sauce n oso white paper. mix well.
6. lastly, add a few drops of dark soy sauce..to color da gravy je..
7. scoop da mash potates on a plate n pour da gravy on top.
8. ready to serve!!

ok peeps, easy to do no??? so, kalo u all ade msk sup ayam, jgn buang gravy nye kalo ade lebih...bole buat mcm2 tau!!
selamat mencuba!!


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